Does a Bulldozer Have a Butt?
Green Eggs and Ham meets Everyone Poops in this laugh-out-loud story that asks—and answers—the burning question in every kid’s life.
Does a scarecrow have a butt?
Yep, you stuff him with a straw one.
And does a crayon have a butt?
Nope, but it can surely draw one.
This silly, funny, clever book will be the most quoted text in all of elementary school.
Over the course of a long walk across a city, one curious kid needs to know: “Does it have a butt?” Everything from sheep to ghosts to dinosaurs is subjected to this all-important question, and Dad is a never-ending source of answers. On a laugh-out-loud father-child ramble, we come to see that every butt, from a bullfrog’s to a zombie’s, has its own distinctive, and distinctively hilarious, quality.