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Mend on the Move Simplify Sterling Silver Necklace
Mend on the Move Simplify Sterling Silver Necklace
Mend on the Move Simplify Sterling Silver Necklace
Mend On The Move

Simplify Sterling Silver Necklace

Regular price $32.00 $0.00 Unit price per

Clearing our mind and our surroundings of clutter helps to simplify and prioritize boundaries and beginnings.

Made with upcycled auto parts.

Each piece comes with a personal story. Your purchase tells the world that you stand for the empowerment and healing of abuse survivors in your community.

  • Sustainably handcrafted by abuse survivors
  • 100% of proceeds go to Mend on the Move's non-profit, to provide fair wages, safe work environment, empowerment + healing.
  • Delicate sterling silver diamond cut curb chain with single petite tin plated copper ferrule accent.

Products are made by hand and may vary slightly.

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